Proving to Extend Usage of Plywood Forms
Industrial, Commercial & Residential
Formed concrete foundations, parking garages, bridges and more all use the same basic materials, PLYWOOD – and a lot of it. Plywood used for construction has traditionally had a very short lifecycle, often in service for no more than 2 to 3 uses. Plywood treated with Vetrofluid has shown to extend the life of concrete-forming plywood many times over!
Concrete-forming plywood was treated with Vetrofluid by multiple concrete contractors around the country and they are amazed by the results. Because of its simple application, deep penetration and water impermeability, Vetrofluid is being used on the plywood as a release agent and sealer.

How does it work?
Concrete contractors are quickly and easily applying a single application of Vetrofluid via low-pressure spray directly onto the plywood used for forming and then allowing time to cure before concrete placement. That’s it.
Strike-off is easier and cleaner leaving the wood surface cleaner. Vetrofluid not only protects plywood from the elements, it also protects the plywood from leaching and absorbing water from the concrete as it cures which in-turn also greatly delays the swelling, delamination and breakdown of wood used for forming.
Single Product with Multiple Uses
Why complicate the process or add costs with APA plyform or treat with single purpose products like VOC containing epoxy-based concrete form coatings when you could use the simple-to-apply Vetrofluid that you use for curing, waterproofing, strengthening and now also for very cost effectively treating plywood. Read more about Vetrofluid.